

作者:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司 2009-09-18T00:00 (访问量:3137)




第15届国际光合作用大会的主办单位为中国科学院植物研究所和国际光合作用学会,会议主题为“Photosynthesis research for food, fuel and the future”。

本次大会除了在北京设有主会场外,还分别在新加坡南阳理工大学(8月18-20日)和南开大学(8月19-22日)设有卫星会场,两个卫星会场的主题分别为“Molecular Basis of Photosynthetic Energy and Electron Transfer and Related Respiratory Processes”和“Antenna and reaction centers”。




XiaoYa Chen (Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai, China)
Weihua Wu (China Agriculture University, Beijing China)

Wenrui Chang (Institute of Biophysics, CAS, Beijing, China)
Kong Chong (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Xinguo Han (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Zhenshen Li (Institute of Genetics and Development, CAS, Beijing, China)
Keping Ma (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Hongwei Xue (Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai, China)
Yongbiao Xue (Institute of Genetics and Development, CAS, Beijing, China)
Fuyu Yang (Institute of Biophysics, CAS, Beijing, China)


Eva-Mari Aro (University of Turku, Finland)

James Barber (Imperial College London, UK)
Roberto Bassi (University Verona, Italy)
Donald A. Bryant(Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Julian Eaton-Rye (University of Otago, New Zealand)
John Golbeck (Pennsylvania State University, USA.)
Tingyun Kuang (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Agepati S. Raghavendra (University of Hyderabad, India)
Thomas D. Sharkey (Michigan State University, USA)
Allison M. Smith (John Innes Centre, England)
Willem Vermaas (Arizona State University, USA)


Tingyun Kuang (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)

Yungang Shen (Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai, China)
Jindong Zhao (Peking University, Beijing, China)


Congming Lu (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Lixin Zhang (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)

Kunfang Cao (XTBG-CAS, Yunnan, China)
Linfang Du (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
Fang Huang (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Honghui Lin (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
Qingwei Meng (Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, China)
Hualing Mi (Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai, China)
Changlian Peng (South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China)
Xinxiang Peng (South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China)
Yuxiang Weng (Insitute of Physics, CAS, Beijing, China)
Yinong Xu (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Chunhong Yang (Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, China)
Jianping Zhang (Peoples University of China, Beijing, China)

Elizabeth Ainsworth (USA)
Gary Brudvig (USA)
Leslie Dutton (USA)
Graham Fleming (USA)
Dario Giordano (Italy)
Michael Graetzel (Switzerland)
Julian Hibberd (UK)
Debbie Lindell (Israel)
Barry Pogson (Australia)
Jean-David Rochaix (Switzerland)
Toshiharu Shikanai (Japan)
Jurg Soll (Germany)
Klaas Jan van Wijk (USA)
John Walker (UK)


● Assembly of photosynthetic protein complex / Lixin Zhang (China)
● Bioenergetics of photosynthetic electron flow / William Cramer (USA)
● Biogenesis of photosynthetic apparatus / Francis-Andre Wollman (France)
● C3, C4 and CAM and genetic engineering / Tom Sharkey (USA)
● CO2 concentrating mechanisms / Murray Badger (Australia)
● Computational systems biology / Yang Zhong (China)
● Control of the Calvin-Benson cycle and Carbohydrate Synthesis / Mark Stitt (Germany)
● Crop yield improvement / Shaobin Peng (China)
● Global photosynthesis / Graham Farquhar (Australia)
● Light harvesting in anaerobic systems / Richard Cogdell (UK)
● Light harvesting in aerobic systems / Werner Kuehlbrandt (Germany)
● Marine photosynthesis and global impact / Michael Behrenfeld (USA)
● Mechanism of water oxidation / Holger Dau (Germany)
● Microbial derived biofuels / Ben Hankamer (Australia)
● Mimicking photosynthetic catalysis / Leif Hammarstr?m (Sweden)
● Mimicking photosynthetic light harvesting / Dario Bassani (France)
● Organelle communication / Steve Rodemel (USA)
● Perception of environmental stress and acclimation / Eva-Mari Aro (Finland)
● Photoprotection, photoinhibition, and dynamics / Kris Niyogi (USA)
● Photosynthesis and new environmental challenges / Francesco Loreto (Italy)
● Plant derived biofuels / Steven Long (USA)
● Regulation of electron transfer / Fumihiko Sato (Japan)
● Regulation of photosynthetic gene expression / Willem Vermaas (USA)
● Type I reaction centres / Kevin Redding (USA)
● Type II reaction centres / Fabrice Rappaport (France)


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